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Your search for wessling had 174 results


Environmental consulting | services | WESSLING

who understand the industry. This is precisely what defines our problem solving expertise. The WESSLING engineers and experts are familiar with all of the details of your industry and provide maximum […] contaminated sites Asbestos Environment Due Diligence Audit (EDDA) Our services for your industry WESSLING offers individual service packages depending on the respective industry, the building situation […] ecology for new buildings, rounds off our service portfolio. Those who know a lot can plan perfectly WESSLING systematically combines expertise from over 40 professional fields for interdisciplinary solution


New site in Serbia

2017 The WESSLING Group will strengthen the presence in the aspiring Balkan regions. A new site has been opened in Novi Sad, Serbia. Managing director Anna Koci will cooperate closely with WESSLING Hungary


Pharmaceutical cannabis: consulting and analysis | News | Company | WESSLING

Pharmaceutical cannabis from Germany: WESSLING provides advice and analysis 28 Mar 2019 Our experienced pharmaceutical experts support companies that import flowers and oils and who, in the near future […] is one of the prerequisites for obtaining approval and therefore access to the European market. WESSLING has the necessary narcotic license, according to §3 BtMG of the Federal Opium Agency in Germany […] independent GMP-certified laboratory in Münster. Cannabis analysis and consulting services from WESSLING For several years now we have been advising international customers on the import of medicinal cannabis


Environmental Management | Management consulting | food | services | WESSLING

2022. Our WESSLING team in Shanghai is happy to assist companies that need to deal with these new regulations in the short term. Find out more Ensuring that rPET stands for 100% recycling WESSLING enters […] employing resources responsibly and using environmental performance to achieve cost leverage: in WESSLING you have an experienced partner at your side as you launch your environmental management system […] benefits with regard to competitiveness, efficiency and productivity. Our services for your business WESSLING provides individual service packages that are tailored to the needs of your company. Industry Water


Compliance | management systems | services | WESSLING

Development of procedures/processes Headline Occupational health and safety: on the safe side with WESSLING WESSLING offers you sustainable and practical occupational health and safety solutions. Specific protective […] Legal security through systematic legal compliance checks The systematic legal compliance check by WESSLING is an established tool for detecting possible deviations and deriving measures tailored to your […] substances and chemicals, REACh Environmental impact assessments Our services for your industry WESSLING provides individual service packages that are tailored to the needs of your company. Public sector


Environment Due Diligence Audit (EDDA) | Environmental consulting | Services | WESSLING You might also be interested in these topics Analysis of micropollutants in water Even trace concentrations of medicines, cosmetics and pesticides pollute our water. WESSLING offers […] targeted assets need to be more cautiously considered and calculated during M&A and decision making. WESSLING can assess the risks fully in terms of health & safety and environmental aspects, allowing investors […] offers comprehensive special analysis of organic trace substances. Find out more WESSLING Soil analysis: planning security for your construction projects We analyse and declare soils as well as mineral waste


Energy Management | Energy | Services | WESSLING

2022. Our WESSLING team in Shanghai is happy to assist companies that need to deal with these new regulations in the short term. Find out more Ensuring that rPET stands for 100% recycling WESSLING enters […] also benefit from tax concessions and government subsidy schemes. Our services for your industry WESSLING provides individual service packages that are tailored to the needs of your company. Industry E […] contact person on issues relating to energy management Charly Wang +86 21 337 253 67 „We will help you to set up systems and processes for your company. Not only will you cut your


German Hazardous Substance Protection Award 2018 | company | news | WESSLING

cooperation with Dr Birgitta Höwing, Division Manager Consulting and Development of WESSLING Germany, this customer of WESSLING had developed a process for the remediation of buildings containing asbestos. The […] n work with asbestos contamination. Download video Start the film! (german) Birgitta Höwing and WESSLING are asbestos professionals and have been supporting customers for decades with consulting and analysis


Research status: Microplastics in the environment | News | Comnpany | WESSLING

(Federal Ministry of Education and Research) on the research topic “ Plastics in the environment ”. WESSLING microplastics expert Dr Jens Reiber was one of the researchers who contributed their expertise to […] defined. The pool serves as a basis for the relevant questions of science, economy and administration. WESSLING is one of the few laboratories in Europe with the necessary know-how and equipment to perform analyses […] paper will be updated annually through the course of the research project. Authors: Dr Jens Reiber, WESSLING Group - Consulting and Analysis Dr Ulrike Braun, Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing


Laboratories and equipment

GMP-certified pharmaceutical laboratory sites, Münster and Budapest At WESSLING, the thrust of our analysis and consulting for pharmaceuticals and medical products along with our service portfolio is […] observed firstly in the close cooperation between our experts at the Budapest and Münster sites. WESSLING is therefore also a partner to pharmaceutical manufactures whose markets lie outside of Europe: […] chemistry and consulting. Thanks to the close integration of our laboratory analysis and consulting, WESSLING is your full-service provider: Analysis: Testing of all dosage forms: testing of sterile and non-sterile